About me
Welcome to Helping Hands 4 You
My name is Eveline Borst
40 years young
Originally born in Holland
I moved 5 years ago to sunny Spain
with my two amazing twin boys
and my mother
I love nature and enjoy being outside for a walk near the
beach or a workout and spending time with my kids while
we play board games, cook something together or watch a
Decorating is one of my hobbies, I love to rearrange and decorate and making it look nice with accessories
I use to change my room as a kid all the time and moved all my stuff (I still do when I have the time)
My friends complemented me about the way I styled and asked me to help aswell
I love to make little corners with decorations and of course decorating my home for Christmas
When it was time for presents at any occasion I wrap gifts for my friends and family
So I thought why not promoting the gifts and make my hobby a bit bigger
With these unique beautiful presents you can be ready for a party or birthday or any celebration at any moment
Without having to shop or think about what to get as a gift
You can just shop online in the confort of your own home and select a present of your taste
Each present is unique and has a touch of something that you may like to give at any occasion
You can see a selection of possibilities and examples
The Iron Company
As a mother of a busy family with two children, I know how much time the household chores take up. Ironing in particular sometimes gets left behind.
I offer a unique service by giving the customer more time to enjoy the little things in life
and to do things that are important to you.
Our lives are so busy and time really flies
I want to take a bit of that necessary work out of your hands by offering a ironing service.
The Check Up Company
There are so many scary stories about okupas (squats)
We want to offer a way to make sure your house is safe
and being checked up when you are on a holiday, a weekend
away or have a second home in Spain that's isn't occupied
all the time
You want your space to be safe
We offer a check up to visit your house on agreed times and
dates, we put on the lights and can water the plants
(Email for the possibilities)
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